Join our live tasting event: a taste of perky blenders
Here's our favourite way to make a fantastic French Press. If you're a French Press Fanatic, we'd recommend giving our Anthem Blend or Forest Blend a try!
Boil your kettle to around 96 degrees, and warm up your French Press by swilling it out with a splash of hot water.
Pop the French Press on some scales, zero the scales, and measure out 30g per cup of Perky Blenders (obviously) coarsely ground coffee into the press.
Zero the scales, and start your four minute timer!
Add 500g of your pre-boiled water, and give it a little stir to break up any clumps.
After four minutes - 'break the crust' by stirring the top layer of settled coffee with the back of a spoon.
If you prefer more clarity with your coffee, at this point you can scoop off the foam from the surface with a large spoon.
Put the lid on, and slowly press down the plunger.
Pour carefully so that no coffee grinds escape into your cup, and enjoy your brilliantly made brew. Well done you!
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